By Michael L. Alumbaugh © 2023
“Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.” ~ 1 Corinthians 10:24
I was working for Green Hills Grocers on 3rd shift for over a month or so. The college fall semester was in full swing. After work I’d head for home to catch a few “Z’s” before my 7:30 morning class. My grades were never much to talk about before the job but now they’d plummeted to near all “F’s” by the mid-terms. I was beginning to think I was some lame brain by taking this stocker/cashier position at night and trying to do school in the day. Regardless, God had His reasons.
I headed to the back of the store, grabbed my time card and clocked out. Some of my coworkers were hanging out in the storage area with the night manager. He wasn’t the kind of guy I preferred to hang around with so I waved goodbye and headed for the front door.
That’s when I heard something out of the ordinary, at least for me. It was the sound of metal pans clanging and banging off on the far side of the store.
I called back to the guys, “What’s all that noise? “
“Oh, that’s just Carol in the bakery. She’s new here.” said the manager. Strange, I’d never heard of her, let alone met her. Usually he’d introduce new coworkers to the rest of the crew. I must have missed that part when she hired in.
“Should I go introduce myself on my way out?” I asked. He motioned for me to come his way. When we met he said in a low tone, “She’s not to sociable. I wouldn’t bother. Just head home. She’ll be fine.” That struck me as odd so I decided I’d wander by on my way out.
Passing by the empty display cases surrounding the bakery, I looked over to the prep tables. There I saw a middle aged blonde lady arranging baking trays and laying out supplies. I called out “Hi! How’s it going?” She looked up at me, scowled, and returned to her work. I thought, “She’s just busy. No need to interrupt her.”
Smiling a friendly smile I called out “Have a nice day!” and heading out the front doors.
Every morning for over a week, it was the same routine. I’d say “Hi!” She’s scowl, say nothing, return to her business and I’d go on my way. Then it happened!
As I walked by one morning heading out, I said “Hi! Have a nice day.” With that, she looked up, glared and me and gruffly asked, “Why do you keep doing that? Can’t you see I’m busy?!”
I wasn’t quite sure how to respond so I smiled and said. “Well, you look like you need a friend. That’s all.” She paused, looked at me a moment, and with a lighter scowl, said “Oh.” and returned to work.
There was a change in her through the following days as I did my daily “Hi.” She scowled less and less and I almost saw a smile from her. As the days passed she began to make little comments about how her days had gone or about her husband and kids. It was encouraging.
Then one day she asked, “Do you go to that Christian college?” I’d occasionally mentioned I was heading for class on my way out. I responded, “Why, yes, I do. It keeps me pretty busy, and this last week more than ever.”
‘Oh, why?” she asked.
“The College Church has been having revival services every evening this week and I’ve tried to hit a couple before coming to work. They’ve been pretty good. You ought to come. Bring your family.”
“No thanks. We don’t go to church.” she replied.
I responded, “Well, the last two services are this Sunday if you change your mind.” and walked out the door.
Work went well for me Friday and I usually had weekends off so I studied Saturday and headed for church Sunday morning with Mom and Dad. The sanctuary was packed, the Gospel message was clearly proclaimed and a large number responded to the altar call. As many gathered to pray, the rest of the congregation was dismissed.
I stopped to chat with a couple of my college buddies in the annex along with a mass of others. Then, I headed for the Exit door. But someone grabbed my shoulder. It was Mom. “There’s someone up front at the altar that wants to talk to you.
Surprised, I responded “What? Me? Who?”
She said, “I don’t know. Just go.”
I made my way through the crowd to the front. Then I saw her. It was Carol! She was surrounded with people praying with her and counseling her. Momentarily, she turned, looked at me and smiled, then returned to the people with her. Tears of joy filled my eyes.
Monday, as I headed out from worked I passed by the bakery. There was a new lady there. Carol, wearing a smile. She came my way.
Warmly, she commented “Thank you for inviting me to go yesterday. It changed my life.”
“I’m glad. Now I have a new friend.” I laughed.
She smiled. “That’s not all” she continued. “I took my husband, Dave, with me last night. I’d told him I’d given my life to Christ in the first service and he gave his life to Him last night. We’re a new family!”
Through the years, that story still resonates with me. I find myself in awkward situations wondering what’s going on. But God just keeps leading me onward. Then, one day He hit me with this thought, “No kindness is ever wasted, no matter how it’s received”
Be willing to be used by God. You never know where it will lead.
Dig a Little Deeper: Psalm 32:8, 37:23; Proverbs 16:9; Isaiah 30:20-21; Romans 12:10-13
Published in the August 2023 issue of Black River Times
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